Decorations & Gallantry Medals > WW1 Military Medal Pair to Private E. C. Brown, 102nd Battalion (North British Columbians) Canadian Infantry, CEF Military Medal
WW1 Military Medal Pair to Private E. C. Brown, 102nd Battalion (North British Columbians) Canadian Infantry, CEF Military Medal

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Price: $1,400.00
Availability: in stock
Prod. Code: 1168

The Great War M.M. pair awarded to Private E. C. Brown, 102nd Battalion, C.E.F.
Military Medal, G.V.R. (219931 Pte. E. C. Brown. 102/Can: Inf: ); British War Medal 1914-20 (219931 Pte. E. C. Brown. 102-Can. Inf.), lightly polished, nearly very fine and better.
M.M. London Gazette 12 March 1918. The citation states:
‘For conspicuous courage and devotion to duty on the night of November 12/13th 1917, in the front line at Passchendaele. This man is a company runner, but was temporarily off duty when he saw six men buried by shell explosions. He immediately seized a shovel and shouting for help started digging them out under intense shell fire. When they were exhumed he rendered First Aid and
conducted them to the Dressing Station. This he did after a heavy day’s work and under continuous bombardment. To his quickness and initiative the 6 men owe their lives.’
E. C. Brown was wounded in action two days later on 15 November 1917; sold with copied research.