Decorations & Gallantry Medals > Carnegie Hero Fund Medallion Pair to Lena Marinella for Bravery at Depew, New York, January 9, 1934.
Carnegie Hero Fund Medallion Pair to Lena Marinella for Bravery at Depew, New York, January 9, 1934.

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Price: $3,900.00
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Prod. Code: 1189

Carnegie Hero Fund Medallion Pair to Lena Marinella

United States of AmericaCarnegie Hero Fund Medallion, 78mm, bronze, the reverse inscribed in raised letters ‘Awarded to LENA MARINELLI WHO SAVED ANGELINE CUTTIO FROM BEING KILLED BY A TRAIN DEPEW N.Y. JANUARY 9, 1934With a Ralston Purina Hero Commission Medal, Awarded to "Lena Marinelli January 9, 1934"
E.F. Condition
Lena Marinelli saved Angeline Cuttio from being killed by a train, Depew, New York, January 9, 1934. Angeline, 4, started to cross a track on which a long freight train was approaching at a speed of 50 m.p.h. She fell and lay between the rails with one hand on a rail. Lena, 13, schoolgirl, ran 90 feet to a point eight inches from the rail when the locomotive, which then was moving at a reduced speed of 25 m.p.h., was 60 feet from her. She bent over and lifted Angeline with effort, because Angeline clung to the rail. When the locomotive was eight feet from her, she took a step or two backward, slipped, and fell backward down an embankment. The train stopped when the locomotive reached a point 350 feet beyond them.
With research, (print-outs of the citations etc. and an original detailed newspaper cutting).  Also the issue box, hero book, leather holder, as well as the 1934 Ralstan Purina Hero Bronze Medal.