Decorations & Gallantry Medals > Vimy Ridge Military Medal WW1 to a Runner in the 38th Battalion
Vimy Ridge Military Medal WW1 to a Runner in the 38th Battalion

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Price: $2,000.00
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Prod. Code: 1226

Vimy Ridge Military Medal WW1 to a Runner in the 38th Battalion 


to ''775137 L. CPL J. MCGROGAN 38/CAN:INF''.


John McGrogan was born 1st March 1889 at Peel Township, Drayton, Ontario. He attested in the 126th battalion CEF on 27/12/16 giving his occupation as a Chauffeur. He served in France with the 38th battalion and was a Lance Corporal at the time of Vimy and a Company Runner. He was wounded in both legs 31/3/1918 and evacuated to England and eventually medically discharged. He died 4 March 1958.

His Citation is as follows : 'For conspicuous gallantry during the Operations on VIMY RIDGE 9th and 13th April 1917.

This man was a Company runner and performed most excellent work throughout the Operations.

He repeatedly brought up messages and water to the most advanced post of his Company which no other runners could find. He repeatedly volunteered for this work and showed great coolness and courage although continually under heavy fire of all kinds.

He set a splendid example and it is considered that he is fully deserving of an immediate reward.

A.F.W. 3121. 29-4-17. L.G. 9-7-17. R.O. 1236 Byng 21-5-17
