Army Long Service & Good Conduct Medal, (3rd Type) 1874-1901, swivelling scroll suspension with smaller reverse lettering
to 217 Farrier Sergt. T. Tipp. 6th Dragoon Gds,
Nearly extremely fine.
With (9) copied pages of service record Thomas Tipp was born at Limehouse, London in 1839 and was a Smith when he joined the Regiment on 1/2/1859. He could not write and signed on with a X. He served with the regiment unti 20/5/1882, promoted Farrier Sgt. 1873. Served in India 1860-61 and 1877-82. He was awarded the Afghan Medal without clasp. Papers confirm both medals, and a 5 pounds gratuity. On discharge, he gave his intended address as Ringmer near Lewes, Sussex (his sister's residence, his NOK.) But actually became a Chelsea Pensioner, being examined on 6th June 1882.